Postural Massage Courses

Postural Massage Courses


Myofascial Release Course

Photo depicts a person requiring myofascial release for the neck, untreated, it may lead to cervical hernia

Photo depicts a person requiring myofascial release for the neck, untreated, it may lead to cervical hernia

Dynamic Myofascial Release 

RSM's 'Dynamic Myofascial Release' method combines myofascial release and stretching and has a significant effect on improving range of motion and dynamic postural stability.

This technique improves the mobility of the joint capsule while stimulating the proprioceptors. Combined with deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy, it can dramatically improve joint range of motion and is very effective for a wide range of people, from the elderly to elite athletes.

Participants learn practical techniques for spinal mobility and its alignment correction, including HVLA, to correct structural misalignments in the body caused by myofascial distortions, which play an important role in pain relief and postural improvement. You will also learn other techniques for myofascial release around the abdomen with a focus on improving thoracic mobility and breathing.

Release adhesions in the tensor fasciae latae and rectus femoris

Release adhesions in the tensor fasciae latae and rectus femoris

Enhancing Range of Motion through Myofascial Release

Myofascial tissue, consisting of dense and tough fibers, envelops all muscles and bones, forming a three-dimensional connective web that extends from the skin's surface to deeper layers near joints, encasing both superficial and deep muscles. 

The course explores techniques for manipulating (ASTR Active Soft Tissue Release-a non-invasive manual therapy that uses movement and manipulation to break up scar tissue and adhesions in soft tissues) this extensive tissue network, focusing on releasing muscle tension and stiffness, and particularly emphasizing stretching the muscle’s gliding, joint capsule mobility and myofascial adhesions. Our dynamic myofacial release approach equips you with practical skills for improving joint mobility, and proprioceptors, enabling pain-free movement and Dynamic Postural Stability.

Myofascial release and stretching at latissimus dorsi

Myofascial release and stretching at latissimus dorsi

Advanced Techniques in Myofascial Release

The core principle of myofascial release involves applying gentle, sustained pressure to myofascial connective tissue. However, our method also emphasizes the fascia's gliding between muscles. This technique combines sustained pressure with dynamic stretching, releasing tension between the fascia's shallow and deep layers.

The technique stimulates proprioceptors, the sensors that help you feel movement, providing pain relief from myofascial adhesions, strain, and muscle tension, thereby improving joint flexibility and muscle glide. The result is that movements are smoother, helping dynamic postural stability.

Students learn compression stretching for adductor muscles to improve hip joint movement

Students learn compression stretching for adductor muscles to improve hip joint movement

Combining Myofascial Release with Chiropractic and Yoga Massage

This unique technique, developed by sports medicine expert Hironori Ikeda, combines myofascial release with chiropractic joint movement, Thai yoga massage, and stretching, focusing on dynamic postural improvement. It evolved from extensive anatomy training at Chiang Mai University’s Faculty of Medicine cadaver anatomy lab sessions, and over 25 years of massage experience and teaching.

Now widely used by therapists, physiotherapists, sports trainers, and YOGA/ Pilates instructors, dynamic myofascial release can be adapted to each client’s pain relief needs and postural imbalances.

Combination of Thai Yoga Massage and Myofascial Release to realign posture

Combination of Thai Yoga Massage and Myofascial Release to realign posture

Tailored Myofascial Techniques for Athletes and Seniors

RSM's dynamic myofascial release, suitable for everyone from elderly individuals to top athletes, involves anatomical assessments and pre-stretching to gather crucial information such as muscle tension, adhesion, and joint capsule stiffness.

The technique is tailored to each client’s needs, and is particularly beneficial for athletes dealing with muscle tension and pain from repetitive movements. Its gentle and precise application will also reduce pain and improve movement in elderly clients with postural issues.

Learn how to use myofasial release for scar tissue

Learn how to use myofasial release for scar tissue

Enhancing Post-Operative Recovery with Dynamic Myofascial Release

Dynamic myofascial release has proven to be highly effective in post-operative recovery phases. Surgical procedures can lead to muscle and myofascial damage, altering their structure and function. Applying dynamic myofascial release helps realign not just muscle function but also the myofascial system, optimizing the overall movement mechanics.

This technique specifically focuses on releasing adhesions in operated areas, facilitating a more functional and aligned recovery process. By addressing these surgical after-effects, dynamic myofascial release plays an important role in restoring post-surgical mobility and in pain management.

Massage School Timetable & Course Fee

THB 9,000
(approx. EUR 226 / USD 246)

• 5 Days Intensive Course 
• The course starts on Monday at 10:00 
• Duration: 20 hours
  (18 hours + 2 hours of Review)

Lessons & massage training
10:00-12:00 / 13:00-15:00 from Mon to Fri
Lunch break / 12:00 - 13:00 from Mon to Fri

After the lesson, students are invited to practice until 16:00

Myofascial Release and Assisted Stretching Course Students

Myofascial Release and Assisted Stretching Course Students

Certificate and Career Opportunity

Upon successful completion of our course, participants are awarded a diploma from RSM, signifying their mastery of dynamic myofascial release, a technique developed through RSM's dedicated research.

The certification highlights the practitioners' commitment to delivering superior therapeutic care tailored to the unique needs of their clients, including effective posture correction. Esteemed in the wellness industry, the diploma enhances professional standing and broadens career advancement opportunities, marking a commitment to excellence in massage therapy.

Remember, however, that licensing requirements for massage therapy vary by country, often requiring extensive study, so please check local government regulations.

French national licensed therapist learn advanced myofascial release and stretching for dancer

French national licensed therapist learn advanced myofascial release and stretching for dancer

Integrative Therapeutic Techniques

The Dynamic Myofascial Release course at RSM International Academy is a comprehensive program that combines trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, myofascial release techniques, and therapeutic stretching.

This multifaceted approach is aimed at thoroughly addressing the biomechanics of the body to achieve optimal results in pain relief and postural correction. With a strong emphasis on functional anatomy, the course teaches the diagnostic assessment of limited mobility in each joint, identifying the underlying causes and enhancing postural assessment and palpation skills. These skills enable the customization of treatments to effectively meet clients' needs for pain relief and postural improvements.

Learn functional anatomy for myofascial release

Learn functional anatomy for myofascial release

Dynamic Myofascial Release for the Experienced Practitioner

This course is open to experienced massage practitioners, but can be combined with RSM's Trigger Point Therapy course and Deep Tissue Massage to achieve higher myofascial release results.Dynamic myofascial release in particular requires a therapist's understanding of functional anatomy and advanced palpation skills, as it is an advanced technique that involves stretching the client and performing myofascial release at the same time.

This prerequisite highlights the course's commitment to maintaining a high standard of professional education. Specifically designed to enhance the professional skills of participants, the program focuses heavily on hands-on practice, allowing for more in-depth learning and application of techniques.

Below, you'll find detailed technical explanations aimed at guiding learners toward mastering advanced skills. Our goal is to ensure that all participants, regardless of their current expertise, benefit from this premier training program.

Release adhesion between rhomboid major and lower trapezius muscle

Release adhesion between rhomboid major and lower trapezius muscle

Nerve Entrapment: Comprehensive Strategies for Pain Management

The course dives into the intricacies of nerve entrapment and compression syndromes, providing a comprehensive exploration of how to alleviate the electrifying or burning pain sensations these conditions provoke throughout the body. Through an understanding of nerve pathway anatomy, coupled with techniques to resolve trigger point activity, muscle tension, and joint misalignments, practitioners will be equipped to effectively manage these complex pain syndromes, improving patient proprioceptive responses and comfort.

Assessment of scapulae upward and downward rotation. Identify the cause of limited range of motion

Assessment of scapulae upward and downward rotation. Identify the cause of limited range of motion

Advanced Palpation Techniques: Diagnosing Musculoskeletal Conditions

Elevate your diagnostic skills with our Advanced Palpation Techniques course components, carefully designed for professionals eager to deepen their proficiency in detecting both active and latent myofascial trigger points and muscular tension.

Expertly led by Hironori Ikeda, the training empowers practitioners to pinpoint precise areas of musculoskeletal discomfort or restriction, and leverages these skills to accurately assess and address patient proprioceptive feedback. Essential for enhancing diagnostic precision, the component is a cornerstone for those progressing in specialized trigger point therapy.

Functional Anatomy Enhances Your Profession

Functional Anatomy Enhances Your Profession

Stretching Integration and Functional Movement Restoration: Enhancing Proprioception

Our comprehensive approach aims at significantly improving range of motion and tackling the foundational causes of motion limitation. By focusing on proprioceptive enhancement through targeted stretching exercises and a deep understanding of joint mechanics, this course segment prepares therapists to alleviate conditions such as lower and upper cross syndrome. This knowledge is instrumental in advancing therapeutic outcomes, looking at musculoskeletal integrity and using proprioceptive feedback to achieve pain relief and postural correction without compromising patient mobility.

Myofascial release around the gracilis and sartorius muscles can help prevent pes anserinus symptoms

Myofascial release around the gracilis and sartorius muscles can help prevent pes anserinus symptoms

Active Soft Tissue Release (ASTR): Optimizing Musculoskeletal Function

We integrate Active Soft Tissue Release (ASTR) into our curriculum. This advanced method targets muscle groups and fascial layers to correct and enhance joint movement, facilitating significant improvements in musculoskeletal function and alignment. ASTR offers practitioners a revolutionary approach to addressing myofascial strain, trigger point intensity, and enhancing the proprioceptive system. The technique helps to achieve smoother joint movements and realigned posture for patients suffering from musculoskeletal imbalances.

Doctor from Uk and licensed Japanese therapists from japan

Doctor from Uk and licensed Japanese therapists from japan

Setting a solid foundation for a trust-based client-therapist relationship

Led by Hironori Ikeda, with an MSc in Sports Medicine, our course integrates advanced palpation techniques and a thorough understanding of fascial structures, enriched by his experiences at Chiang Mai University's Faculty of Medicine and cadaver anatomy workshops. The course emphasizes the practical application of deep anatomical insights, aiming to significantly enhance massage technique proficiency. Participants will gain hands-on experience in identifying and treating adhesions, directly improving patient movement and reducing choric pain.

Our curriculum is designed for the advanced massage therapist to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world therapeutic effectiveness, focusing on the nuances of muscle and fascia manipulation. By understanding the root causes of pain and postural issues, therapists are better equipped to customize treatments, offering clients relief and support. This approach not only advances professional capability but also fosters a comprehensive understanding of body mechanics, setting a solid foundation for a trust-based client-therapist relationship.

RSM International Academy | Hironori Ikeda