Postural Massage Courses

Postural Massage Courses


Posture Correction Studio

Posture assessments

Posture assessments

Medically-Proven Posture Enhancement Program

Unlock superior body alignment and kinetic chain mastery with our Dynamic Posture Improvement Program. Designed with sports medicine insights, our method zeroes in on your body's centre of gravity and precise alignment during exercise.

Treadmill video analysis informs and communicates the understanding of alignment issues

Treadmill video analysis informs and communicates the understanding of alignment issues

Experience & Benefits:

Diagnosis: Utilize tools like the Twist Disc, Treadmill, and the renowned Balance Ball to pinpoint posture inefficiencies.

Tailored Training: Dive into a combination of massage, stretching, and exercises, all framed within a sports medicine perspective.

Personalized Approach: Engage in bespoke exercises, receiving individual feedback throughout the process, ensuring optimal posture correction.

The Posture Correction Studio's Programs are Ideal for:

For those battling persistent discomfort or motor dysfunction, to top-tier athletes striving for peak performance, our method caters to all. Harness two decades of coaching expertise and witness the transformative power of dynamic posture improvement.

Achieve optimal alignment, movement fluidity, and robust health. Start your personalized posture journey with us.

RSM International Academy | Hironori Ikeda