Postural Massage Courses

Postural Massage Courses


Posture Correction Massage Course 

Posture assessment and palpation determine the direction of the postural massage

Posture assessment and palpation determine the direction of the postural massage

Postural Correction Massage Course for Poor Posture

It is not by coincidence that Hiro and RSM offer this course:

Hiro created a much appreciated posture correction program for his patients in Chiang Mai, about which you can find all the details at:

The RSM Posture Improvement Massage Course begins with a static postural diagnosis. Using palpation techniques, it evaluates muscle tension, pain, and the effect of skeletal structure on posture changes.

Since static postural assessments often fail to capture the fluid movement of joints, RSM emphasizes dynamic postural analysis. Observing treadmill walking patterns and dynamic posture stability are examined to gain a deeper understanding of one's kinetic chain.

You will then learn how to tailor the massage to provide a proper treatment.

Throughout the course, the focus is on the practical application of skills gained in the RSM Functional Anatomy Course and the three primary massage courses. This hands-on approach ensures that participants can effectively apply the techniques learned in these foundational courses.

Dynamic postural stability assessment and palpation techniques to determine a programme that meets the client's needs

Dynamic postural stability assessment and palpation techniques to determine a programme that meets the client's needs

Dynamic Postural Stability Assessment 

In this massage training course, students learn to analyze an individual's walking posture by observing the kinetic chain, including pelvic and spinal movements, foot placement, stride length, and weight distribution. This diagnostic helps identify areas of muscle tension, pain, or postural imbalance, allowing the practitioner to tailor targeted massage therapy and exercise plans to increase overall postural alignment and stability. 

Students receive both theoretical and practical training in functional anatomy, the human body's center of gravity, and spinal motion. You will also learn how these elements work properly while walking.

In addition, postural alignment training is provided to recognize postural imbalances and deviations in an individual's walking pattern. This knowledge enables the creation and implementation of targeted massage plans to address any issues and improve overall physical health.

Myofascial release to improve adductor muscle movement

Myofascial release to improve adductor muscle movement

Apply your Massage Skills to Dynamic Postural Improvement

Once you have mastered conducting static and dynamic postural assessments, you will learn practical massage management methods tailored to your clients' needs.

You will acquire the skills to apply functional anatomy, trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and stretching techniques taught at RSM to enhance dynamic postural stability. Furthermore, you will learn to analyze and explain the changes that occur before and after a massage session, as clients are often interested in understanding the impact of the treatment provided.

Posture Correction Exercise using Balance Ball DIsk

Posture Correction Exercise using Balance Ball DIsk

Learn Comprehensive Training Methods to Realign Posture 

Incorporating suitable training methods, alongside massage, is crucial for both static and dynamic postural improvement. Developing expertise in teaching targeted exercises and stretches for alleviating body pain and enhancing dynamic posture is essential for massage therapists, as it makes them more reliable practitioners for their clients.

This course equips you to become a well-rounded therapist, capable of instructing your clients in self-massage and posture improvement exercises, in addition to providing massage treatments.

Private Course Fee

Duration: 3 or 2 days - engage in a total of 7.5 hours 
Book a 3-hour window between 16:00 to 20:30.
Price: 9,000 Thb 
Both weekdays and weekends are open for appointments

Ensure your spot by scheduling at least 2 days prior.

Including Sports Gym Entrance Fee

Due to the advanced nature of this private course, it is intended for those with the right level of massage skills and experience only.

Eligibility for this Course 

This course is only for those who have attended any of the trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage and assisted stretching and myofascial relase courses offered by RSM. This is a comprehensive course that includes further advanced massage techniques, postural analysis and training instructions for your clients.

Learn to enhance your clients' posture with sports medicine knowledge

Learn to enhance your clients' posture with sports medicine knowledge

Course Overview

Embark on a comprehensive journey into the realm of dynamic postural stability with our specialized massage course. This program is tailored for therapists seeking to master the intricacies of posture and its relation to overall body health. The course covers:

In-Depth Dynamic Assessment:
Delve into the multi-dimensional world of dynamic posture. Understand the shifts, movements, and transitions that take place as the human body engages in various activities. Recognize that static evaluations, while foundational, capture only a snapshot of the body's continuous postural dance.

Biomechanics of Optimal Posture:
Explore the complex biomechanical relationships that underpin ideal posture. Understand how muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones work in unison during movement, and how misalignments can impact this harmony.

Integrated Massage Techniques:
Acquaint yourself with a spectrum of massage modalities, from deep tissue to myofascial release. Learn how to seamlessly integrate these techniques, drawing upon each as required, to address specific postural concerns and create a holistic therapeutic experience.

Practical Application & Mastery:
Engage in intensive hands-on training, simulating real-world scenarios. Perfect your techniques, refining your approach based on individual postural dynamics and feedback.

Effective Client Communication:
Master the skill of discussing dynamic postural nuances with clients. Enable them to visualize and comprehend their postural habits, facilitating a collaborative therapeutic environment.

Personalized Treatment Protocols:
Design bespoke therapeutic plans that fuse assessment insights with massage techniques. Ensure each protocol is fine-tuned to the unique postural dynamics of individual clients.

Commitment to Progress:
Immerse yourself in the world of ongoing research and advancements in posture assessment, correction, and massage techniques. Dedicate yourself to continual learning, ensuring that your methods are always at the industry's cutting edge.

Distinguish yourself in the world of massage therapy by mastering the complex realm of dynamic postural stability and correction, setting a new benchmark in therapeutic excellence.

RSM International Academy | Hironori Ikeda